The incident with my ankle injury took place on May 22, 2016 | *NOTE: THIS was going to be my first blog post, but the situation in Orlando, FL took precedence. The scene looks so innocent. A beautiful lawn. Blooming trees. You can almost hear the birds in the background. And yes, it is beautiful. I've been attending summer camp at Almont since 1978 and I adore the place. A few things have changed but the big, green carpet of lawn has pretty much stayed the same. That is probably why snakes, gophers, groundhogs, etc. consider it a great place to call home. This is where it all took place. |
Here are some of the efforts pictured below.
Photo Credit: Heather Oelker (pictured below gardening)
The result of stepping in a hole in the ground (animal's home) is pictured to the right. I've been doing my best to keep it elevated with ice--but I have things to do and people to see! I've had plenty of thinking time since being off my feet. Admittedly, not doing as much healing as needed. This feels like a core issue--and those are difficult for me to get excited to tackle from a healing perspective. However, I have been observing A LOT of what has transpired since this incident. One of the first things I did when I got home from the work weekend was look at the Louise Hay information about ankles. Then I used intuition to discern that the issue at hand was about "not being able to receive blessings in life." Boy oh boy, did that ring true. While in observer-mode, I've been seeing what's happened in my life relates to this statement. So, I have my homework in front of me and I think I am ready to do some healing. I will let you know what I find out. | What was happening during my time of observation? Well, things seemed to get really wacky in the universe. There was a combination of this particular core issue coming to surface at time when energetically and cosmically things were out of alignment. Perhaps that is WHY this issue came to surface. AMIRIGHT? Needless to say it's all fun and games until your body, car, home, relationships take a hit. I'll share some pictures to illustrate this point. |
If it wasn't clear that healing needed to occur--this week drove that point home (pun intended).
I will continue to examine the spiritual issue(s) that led up to such an injury.
I definitely don't want the next bitch slap from the Universe.